Monday, November 30, 2009

Creating the Christmas Empire: Phase 1

So I got out my Christmas decorations bin last night to see what I had to work with in converting my home into a Christmas Empire.

I started with the piano. Threw on some fake piney rope things and put Santa Bird right in the middle. Lookin good. That piano is ready for me to play some Christmas tunes on it.

Next, I hung up several wall decorations. One is photoed below:

This is a quilted wall-hanging that my Grandma made for me. THANK YOU GRANDMA. It is the highest quality of all the Christmas decorations I own. I hung it right above our couch. It is currently the centerpiece of the Christmas Empire.

Rachel and I were going to go get a tree today, but it is rainy and windy and disgusting outside so we decided not to. Instead, we are sitting in our Snuggies in our budding Christmas Empire.

I think I will head to the Christmas piano and play some songs for Rachel.

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