Thursday, February 26, 2009

Cherry Cough Drops

...are not the best flavor, but it doesn't matter because I can't taste any way. Here are the things I have purchased because I am mad at my cold:

Cherry cough drops

Zinc tablets

Vitamin C tablets

Sudafed multi-symptom SEVERE cold medicine

Orange juice

2 boxes of tissues

Hand soap (to wash my hands comstantly so I never get sick again)

I am so mad about being sick I can't even explain it in words. I could try an analogy:

This cold:me::happy puppies:Cruella de Vil

Or maybe a poem:
This cold makes me want to scream
And punch and kick and pout
I keep getting sick all the time
Don't know what that's about

Being sick totally sucks
Especially because it ruined snow day fun

1 comment:

A-Love said...

your cold must be really bad because i have never had a cold that overpowered the nasty horrible most aweful taste in the world, that is the cherry "flavored" cough drop.