It's like this tree is my first born. I'm going to name him Adam.
So we went to purchase Adam tonight at a special farm where it is rumored that they pass out full-size candy canes (instead of the puny ones that you normally get at tree farms.) But this special farm was closed.
So we went to another special farm called Haggen and we found Adam.
Then we decorated Adam and made him beautiful. Here he is beautiful:
To finish off the evening of Christmas Empire Enjoyment, we put Ricky in a Santa hat.
You are the most rediculous but also you should invite me over to your Christmas Empire.
This looks nice.
Can you save the Christmas empire for when I get home in April? I would like to experience it in person.
I can tell by the picture, your tree is a douglas fir which means it is a female tree. You have named your female tree Adam.
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